Lasik Eye Surgery Dubai

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ReLEx SMILE Minimally
Invasive Surgery

An advanced procedure Small incision lenticule extraction, or SMILE for short, is a minimally invasive treatment and requires no flap. A laser is used to create a thin, contact-lens-shaped layer just beneath the corneal surface and then a small opening through which that layer is removed. Some studies show that there is less disruption of the corneal surface and fewer immediate post-operative dry eye symptoms with SMILE as compared to LASIK.

SMILE Benefits

  • Minimally invasive due to only a small incision
  • Gentle and convenient technique
  • Requires no flap – no flap-related complications; low incidence of dry eyes, low risk of infection
  • Generally greater suitability – possioption for patients with contact lens intolerance and a dry eye tendency


How the SMILE procedure is performed?

Prior to the treatment 
Anesthetic eye drops are applied to the eye. An eyelid holder is used to prevent the eye from blinking during the procedure

The Treatment Steps:


Creating the lenticule

A small piece of corneal tissue (lenticule) and a small incision are created inside the intact cornea.


Removing the lenticule

The lenticule is removed through the small incision with minimal disruption to the cornea.


Correcting the error

Removing the lenticule changes the shape of the cornea, correcting the refractive error.

The most advanced laser vision correction surgery in Dubai

Frequently Asked Question

If you are considering ReLEx SMILE Eye surgery, you probably have many questions. Some of the most frequent ones are addressed here. This information is not intended to replace consultation with your eye doctor.

SMILE is used to correct nearsightedness, astigmatism, or both. As with other Laser Vision Correction methods, you will first need to undergo a detailed eye examination to determine whether you are a suitable candidate. Many factors play a role, including the nature and degree of the refractive error, the curvature and thickness of the cornea. Your profession and hobbies are also important. SMILE is an interesting option also for athletes engaged in contact sports, flight crews as well as military and rescue personnel.
The entire procedure takes about 15 minutes, the laser correction itself only 24 to 28 seconds.
If you wear contact lenses, most surgeons recommend switching to glasses a few weeks before surgery. You are advised not to apply makeup, lotions or perfume the day you have surgery. Also, it is suggested that you arrange to have someone bring you home afterward
The procedure is virtually painless. Anesthetic eye drops are used to numb the eye.
Following surgery, you will need to go home and rest. A protective bandage or eye shield is placed over the eye to avoid rubbing it. Eye drops and possibly other medication are typically prescribed to prevent infection and aid in the healing process. It is customary to have a post-op examination the next day. Further examinations are usually scheduled for the following weeks or months.
Every healing process is different. In most cases, visual acuity is very good one or two days after the operation, and stabilizes within one week. Normally, you will be able to drive, work and participate in sports without glasses or contact lenses just a few days following treatment.
Complications following SMILE surgery are very rare, but cannot be completely ruled out. Your eye doctor at Eye Consultants Center will discuss these with you.
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